Universal Players that do not convert DSD to PCM?

Is there way to definitively tell if a universal player converts DSD (SACD) to PCM before convertion to analog? I am talking about 2 ch Audio output from the player here.

When I talk to retailers about this I usually get a blank stare.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Metralla, could you elaborate ? I don't mind being brought up to date if I'm incorrect, but your response is just plain rude.

Here's a mastering engineer describing exactly what I said above ....
Seandtaylor99, I did say "please".

That reference is from 2001.

There are Super Audio CDs that are "pure" DSD. From recording, through mixing and to mastering.

You can do mixing in DSD - sure, there are nowhere near the number of channels as a PCM mixing desk.

Recorders and studio equipment for mastering is expensive, and no one is going to rush out and buy all new DSD technology when high resolution PCM is as good or better.