Universal Players that do not convert DSD to PCM?

Is there way to definitively tell if a universal player converts DSD (SACD) to PCM before convertion to analog? I am talking about 2 ch Audio output from the player here.

When I talk to retailers about this I usually get a blank stare.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Aren't ALL digitally recorded SACDs originally recorded in PCM then converted to DSD during mastering ? Do any digital multitrack recorders and mixers run natively in DSD ? I thought they all ran 24/192 (or 96kHz) PCM.

The DVDA standard (PCM) is theoretically a higher resolution standard than SACD (DSD) so if a player converts DSD to PCM (DVD-A) then that should not be detrimental.

Plus if a player does convert to PCM then it only needs one DAC which could then be a more expensive and more capable DAC. If it has 2 DACs then the accounting department will have to make sure that they are less expensive DACs.

So I guess I'm saying that it probably shouldn't be a consideration ... have a listen and buy the one that sounds the best.
Metralla, could you elaborate ? I don't mind being brought up to date if I'm incorrect, but your response is just plain rude.

Here's a mastering engineer describing exactly what I said above ....
Seandtaylor99, I did say "please".

That reference is from 2001.

There are Super Audio CDs that are "pure" DSD. From recording, through mixing and to mastering.

You can do mixing in DSD - sure, there are nowhere near the number of channels as a PCM mixing desk.
