Upgrade from TW Acustic Raven AC-3 to what?

I have had the TW turntable (with 10" Da Vinci Grandezza arm and Grandezza cartridge) for two years. I have been happy with this TT and can live with it for a long time although i wish it wasn't as dark sounding, that the soundstage could be more spacious and the bass tighter. The upgrade bug in me is wondering for 50K ore thereabout, is there a TT that is superlative over the TW? One that would end my upgrading itch for the next 10 years?

Showing 1 response by zermatt

I have had an ac3 and i upgraded in this order,
3 motor pod, realy nice improvement.
Then the black night feet, nice improvement but not as dramatic as motor upgrade.
bn platter, is the most significant improvement, the darkness is gone and the soundstage is much bigger. Bass is better defined and digs deeper.

So, i think these upgrades are great but you must look at the cost of replacing the tt with another unit or a blk night tt
Then it starts to mske sense.