Upgrading my NAD C340.

I have an NAD C340 driving a pair of silverline SR17s[89db] and am looking to upgrade the amp. I have a budget of $1500 and would appreciate suggestions.

Thanks, Steve.
You might try to find a used Sim Moon I-5. I replaced my Acurus seperates (A-150 & RL-11) driving Hales Rev3s and have been quite happy. I do have a C340 in my office and love it as well.
The Musical Fidelity amps are beautiful. I would opt for the A300 given your budget ($1500 new and can sometimes be foun for $1000-$1100 slightly used), it is a wonderful sounding integrated amp and a real step up from the A3 integrated.
You should try the Musical Fidelity A3 or A300 integrated amps. They are quite impressive for the price.