Upsampling DACS: Take the Pepsi Challenge

HAs anyone used 2 of the following 3 relatively inexpensive upsampling DACs: Perpetual technologies, Bel Canto, MSB Link 3 with upsampling upgrade?? I am trying to sort out the details of the new technologies. The Perp Tech can "interpolate", while the others do not. I am under the impression that the "24 bit" part of this new technology has to do with s/n ratios aroung 140 db, which is great, but a little useless considering the other equipment in the system. The sampling freq is the part that has me all aflutter, because it seems to be getting closer to analog quality "infinite sampling" if you will... What do you think? Has anyone compared these dacs?? Thanks, gang.

Showing 2 responses by megasam

Anyone interested read latest Hi-Fi News & Record Review (August) they have good article on this subject. Wadia apparantly is saying upsampling is no better than their oversampling techniques. Magazine compares latest Wadia 860 against DCS Delius 24/192 upsample unit. Gives good overview of both methods of data processing, too complex to explain here, please read article. To summarize they say Wadia has perfected the CD sound to its highest level, but it still has underlying CD sound characteristics. DCS Delius using upsample somehow takes same data from CD and transforms sound in positive ways to sound more real than traditional oversample. There is no scientific explanation at this time, just subjective opinions of reviewers, regards Sam
Again I advise reading August HFNRR, which describes the two techniques, although they can acheive the same end result, the "process" is and find out the differences, they claim they can hear the difference