Van Alstine

I just purchased a used but flawless Van Alstine Super Pas 3 pre-amp. I need some info from all you tube gear guys out there.

I am using SS amps (Proton D1200's) Is there any thing I need to know in advance whiule I await the arival of my "new" tube pre-amp?

Thanks in advance.

Well I recieved my preamp today and it arrived as listed, it sounds very very good. All be it it is kind of smallish. I am simply amazed at how such an old design can compete and even surpass my modern day gear I have. To my ears it sounds better then my B&K PT5, better then my Adcom GFP-710, and every other pre I have on hand, however, the B&K does equal, even surpass' this pre in bass responce and asthtics.

I wish it had dual pre outputs.

Other then that I am very happy, funny thing is, it has new tubes in it, I think I got a very good deal.
oh and one other thing on the speaker selector knob it shows several selections, I know what the A, B, A+B is, but what are the others off to the left?

well actually my question refers to the sound, not the mechanics. I was wondering what to expect form this tube preamp. But then I guess I wasnt clear on that. I am presently using a B&K PT-5 and Proton D1200's.

Yep. I'm always amazed at the number of people that post questions on forums rather than contactng the manufacturer directly.
Van Alstine has a forum at Lots of great info there as Frank monitors it himself.
THe only thing I can think of that you might possibly face is if the output of the preamp is too high to make using the volume control convenient. I have a Dyna PAS 3 that I had to buy attenuators for. But, really, just wait and enjoy!