Vandersteen 4

Is there anyone who may know a little about the Vandersteen Model 4? I have searched extensively and have been unable to find anything of assistance. Would they be a step up from Model 3A Signatures?

Showing 1 response by vtvu

I used to own the model 4A (see pic on this link):

It was the biggest Vandys in the 90s, 5-way, tri-wireable, with an external active crossover.
See more info on it here:

Its sound is similar to the old Vandy design - balanced, if a little reticent. I bi-wired them with Transcendent Sound SC-150 on top and a pair of Odyssey Stratos at the bottom.
They sounded neutral for all kinds of music but not as dynamic as the new Vandy models.
I finally sold them because they were too big even for my great room. You will need a big room for them to sound good.