Voltage conversion from 220V to 110V.

With all the deals you see on Euro and Asian market stuff that operates on 220V its hard not to wonder is there a problem using a North American converter.

Ive got my eye on a set of Asian market mono bolck tube amps. Theyre the 220V version but theyre also about $1500 cheaper than their North American counterparts.

Can I expect any sonic problem stepping the voltage up for their requirements with a high quality converter?

What kind of converter would work best?

El...tingle? I remember working on an old ( tuber back as a teen in the mid sixties, dutifully keeping one arm behind my back to ensure not closing a loop. Two hours later I woke up 10 feet away on the floor, with a bump on my head.
Later I noticed a red scratch on my neck.
Next day I returned to my basement lair and saw a piece of 16 gauge dangling at head height from a waterpipe as my "convenient" ground. But recently I taught my daughter (17) how to replace a duplex while still "hot"; jeez, ya think I have a subconscious motivation to avoid all those tuition bills? PHEW!
Good one,Subaruguru.I was about 12 or 13 years old.Some of those plate voltages were over 350VDC.I leaned about those electrolytic capacitors first hand.It`s unpluged everthings dead right!Jim
A schoolmate of mine nearly killed himself (really) with a Heathkit Geiger counter. Although the construction manual warned about the high voltages he figured "four D cells...how dangerous can it be?" Well those D cells fed a chopper and voltage step up circuitry whch produced I don't know how many thousand volts, with substantial charge stored in capacitors.
Eldartford;I can`t stop laughing.I know I should`nt, but I can`t help it.It`s just that I can see him doing it, in my mind.I can only imagine the look on his face afterwords.
As a high school science project one year I followed POPULAR ELECTRONICS' schematic to make a hand-held battery-operated "muscle stimulator" that sent unsuspecting holder's arm muscles rippling when both hands closed the circuit. Of course I had to get stupid and put a pot on its transistor-controlled transformer, allowing the thing to jangle the arms of as many as a dozen people linked in a circle! Needless to say I wasn't allowed to demo it live a second time...nor did it win a prize. Pretty damned scary for a pair of AA batteries though!