Vote for best US made solid state amp

Let's vote for best solid state amp ,made in US The choices are Spectral,Krell,Jeff Rowland,Pass......
Got any pictures of your mother naked? Wanna buy some? The only thing that's "little" about me is my tolerance of pieces of garbage like you. I can hear better than you and everyone you've ever met, and I could give a shit what you think about anything. Please eat hot death...
In the interest of every normal person at this site I will no longer engage in "Little Man Carl's" adolescent bombastic, dinkflunk correspondence. It only took a very short time for me to be sickened by you Little Man Carl... Why not go on some adolescent jerkwater site,,, who knows you may be a hit there Little Man.
Both of you, Audioears AND Carl, belong in a private site where you won't be ruining a perfectly legitimate discussion. Audioears, we get the point that you prefer Bryston, and they do make excellent products. I own a BP-25 preamp. Carl, anyone who has ever read an Audiogon discussion knows that you are a Krell fanatic. I personally don't care for their products, and I do not understand how you can continue to insist that they are the BEST amplifiers if your hearing is anywhere nearly as good as you constantly brag it is. Now please stop this childish hurling of insults, which is growing quite tiresome, and get back to the original topic. I believe Clayton makes some of the best valued, best sounding SS amps at any price level. They sound so different from any other SS I've ever heard. I'm sure there are better, especially tubed, but not that I've heard.
I just meant that my KAV-250a was the best for the money ($2100 used) that I've heard, NOT that it was the best in the world! The Clayton monoblocks probably are better, if you don't need 500 watts/channel into 4 ohms. I'd like to hear the Claytons, and also the Wolcott tube amps, sometime. I would want to compare the Wolcotts in particular to the FPB 350 monoblocks. And please continue your bellyaching about me, there's not nearly enough of that going on already...