VPI 3D tonearm

Anyone using it yet?
Actusreus....it seems so very much irks you. Have you heard the Discovery wire? Once upon a time Harry Pearson said that Nordost Valhalla resides in his state of the art system....no longer. The world moves on.
VPI uses Discovery wire in all their other arms. Valhalla is considered an "upgrade". Just because Valhalla wire is expensive doesn't automatically make it better.
So it seems that the consensus is that the 3D arm is junk without anyone here having auditioned the new VPI product.
No.....we're saying that 3D printing of a tonearm.....using the resin that is required for a 3D printer (regardless of its suitability or acoustic properties).....is a cynical exercise in marketing hype.
Discovery tone arm wire can make a quite significant improvement in my experience. Get some wire, solder on some clips and good RCA connectors, tape it to the tone arm and give it a preliminary listen. Even configured like this it sounds noticeably better than the stock wire on most tone arms that I have tried it on.
Anybody tired of VPI tonearm upgrades? This is the worst tonearm series in the high end end audio market constantly being re-invented and/or upgraded. And Stringeen is the worst shill.

Nice tables-lousy tonearms.