
Responses from ttbolad

Best vintage DD turntables from the 70's and 80's?
I love my JVC QL-Y7F.  Unbelievably quiet and detailed.  I love the electronic arm (this coming from someone who just sold a Triplanar) and the auto and cueing features.  My backup is a Technics SP10 Mk2 which has been refurbished.  As good as the... 
HEGEL - Is it really made in Norway ?
I have a Chinese integrated tube amp which is designed and built by Cayin.  I think it retails for a little over $3500.  In any case, I have had it for 6-7 years. I have yet to see any European, American, or Japanese built gear at anywhere near th... 
Old Rotel 965BX won't lock with Marantz HD-DAC1
I tried several coax cables that I had used in the past with success.  I am only running 3 feet.  So I don't think that is the problem.Thanks for the response - Peter 
VPI 3D tonearm
Discovery tone arm wire can make a quite significant improvement in my experience. Get some wire, solder on some clips and good RCA connectors, tape it to the tone arm and give it a preliminary listen. Even configured like this it sounds noticeabl... 
New Delos cart
As far as musical attributes are concerned with respected to cartridges, I place timbral accuracy the highest. Listening to Mozart's woodwind divertimenti I don't want to have to guess what instruments are playing. The clarinet, oboe, flute and co... 
New Delos cart
I have a Delos. I do not hear a rising high end at all. It sounds completely neutral in that regard. It is loaded at 183 ohms into a lundahl 1941. And why would you say that it sounds fine on good Analogue Production records but wrong elsewhere? I... 
Delos Loading
If you are using a SUT into a 47k load you are pretty much screwed if you think that the higher the load the better. . let's say that your SUT has 10x turns ratio. Loading is given by Resistive-load / square-of-turns-ratioIn this example: 47000 /... 
cartridge cost/quality/performance
Just a correction - the output is 0.6 mV. This is rather high for a LOMC. So choose your SUT with that in mind, if you use a SUT.Aside from that I agreed absolutely with your initial post. I have used at least half dozen cartridges in the $800 - $... 
Vinyl reissue labels to avoid?
I have a Jazz Wax reissue of "Ben Webster meets Oscar Peterson" that is fabulous. Bought it off of ebay for $12. I compared it to the Bob Ludwig Verve reissue and I much prefer the Jazz Wax.First, the pressing and vinyl quality are outstanding. No... 
Moving coil with a bit less leading edge
I am getting crisp, full bodied, rich sound on all genres from classic rock to western classical, jazz to Indian classical, gamelan to Techno, western country to Celtic. If you want to try something that has the potential to burn your ears, try Ra... 
Moving coil with a bit less leading edge
I just reread the thread. It was Pani who had problems with the Delos. So my comments are meant for him. Good luck with the Dynavector. 
Moving coil with a bit less leading edge
So I was am not surprised that it came to this. I am guessing that the Delos will keep getting more enjoyable. I went through this same experience where the Delos was almost intollerable. I fiddled around for 6 weeks with loading, tubes, cartridge... 
New Lyra Delos Cartridge
One more thing. After everything settled out I revisited the tubes. While the Sovtek 12ax7lps is a good tube, I ended up using a Telefunken 12ax7 smooth-plate at the input, Telefunken 12au7 smooth-plate at the second gain stage, and two RCA 12au7 ... 
New Lyra Delos Cartridge
I did not want to leave this discussion hanging with a lot of ambiguity as regards my experience with the Delos. So here is how it all shook out for me. I am using a K&K Lundahl 1941 sut with an Audio Innovations P2 (modded) phono pre. The K&a... 
New Lyra Delos Cartridge
Well, I am mightly confused. The Lyra guys say >91 ohms. I can't tolerate listening to it at that loading in my setup. I have to load it down to 5-10 ohms using a SUT, and then it sounds very good. With a solid state phono-pre it doesn't seem t...