Wadia still in business?

Is Wadia still in business? My emails get sent back and phone calls just go to an answering machine. What is happening there?
Yes, they're definitely still in business. They're actually hosting our upcoming Detroit/Ann Arbor Head-Fi Meet. This is the second meet of ours that they'll have hosted in the last couple of years.

John, looking forward to seeing you again, man.

Best Regards,
Hopefully this time the company is back on it's feet for good.

I would like to second that. I have owned Wadias for a few years now and I live on the other side of the world. You can imagine how I feel when it comes to possible repair issues and there is a question mark over the company's future.

Good luck to the folk at Wadia. You have products second to none.
I sent an email yesterday AM regarding 860 upgrades and keith responded later that day.He said that the 1 upgrade could be performed now but the se upgrade was backed up a couple of months.He advised me to schedule a service appointment so my unit did not set at the factory for months.
I bought ,from a Wadia dealer several months ago,a Wadia , and the dealer ordered via email extra boxes as the ones he had were dammaged.We waited for months,nothing despite several emails that the dealer sent to Wadia.So finaly a few weeks ago i left a message at ext 114,the same day Keith(who replace Matt I guess)called me back and told that he will take care of the issue.
within a couple of weeks I received my boxes.The service was excellent on par with the product.
Apparently, someone told me that, they were reorganising the company,that's why they were slow answerring,anyway that seems to be the past and their aftersale service today is first class.
I have talked to them recently and they said there were problems but now that the restructuring in the company is complete, all is well. I received what I needed from them promptly and am now happy.