Want Nice table radio cd player to replace bose

My mom has had a Bose radio for years
It recently broke
I am not a fan

I recall in the mid 80s proton have a wonderful table radio

Her space is limted and its kitchen listening. Good sound not schlock is what I am striving for and not too complicated. She doesnt do bluetooth (deep blue rocks) or ipod, maybe something with cds and a usb plug in

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated


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You may want to check out Tivoli Audio. I've owned a Model Two for almost 10 years, and it is compact with nice sound. Much better than Bose (have one of those, too) or Proton (owned one in the '80's):

i bought my classical-loving dad a SANGEAN WR-11 ($85 on amazon). really nice sound and sensitive tuner; has input for ipod or whatever.
Cambridge it is, thanks
I can buy her an ipod loaded with songs next for Christmas
Cambridge Soundworks always had a decent knock-off of the Bose so you might check their website. The company was founded by Henry Kloss of Advnet, KLH and AR.
Have you looked at the Meridian M80?

Great build quality and great sound.

They can be a bit hard to find, but most who are familiar with it consider the M80 the ultimate Table Radio/Receiver.

Hope that helps,