Want to upgrade my cartridge from 2m blue to black

My first post here on the forums and I needed an honest opinion. I have a cheap music hall mmf 2.2 turntable with 2m blue installed. I like the sound but was wondering if I can get better details from upgrading to a black cartridge on my basic turntable. Would it be worth it? I’m definitely an analog lover but am budget constrained. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Showing 4 responses by viridian

Agree with Stevecham source first. Put the money aside until you can chip in some more for a new turntable. No need to put racing slicks on an Accord.
Big_Greg, of course you are correct, and are speaking from first hand experience. Some have not been in the hobby long enough to understand that someone’s first hand experience may be contradictory to another’s experience. We can all just report what we hear, but to assume that translates to another system and another environment is sheer vanity.
I have no idea what you are talking about, I have two Linn LP12s a SOTA Sapphire, A Micro Seiki MR711, Logic Tempo E and Russco Cue Master to play my 78s. Which I have not sold, though I did have it up for sale once and cancelled the ad. Good detective work, Sherlock, you know not of what you speak. It is my avatar as I prefer 78s to LPs. Feel free to differ, and feel free not to like any of them.

I appreciate your permission but I am free to disagree with your kind even if I have no turntables at all.

Thank you for sharing that your turntables are of the highest class, I’m glad that you enjoy them. We all know know just what a high class guy you are.

What does all of this ad hominem prattle have to do with the OP and the suggestions that will help her to achieve a better sound? The turntable being, as Ivor once said, “much more important than tonearm or cartridge.”