What can come after Apogee Divas ?

I had started a similar thread in 2002 when I moved from Europe to the US and thought I would have to leave my Apogee Divas behind that give me so much pleasure for years (with active cross-over, run with 2 Krell KSA-300S Stereo amplifiers). But I managed to bring them over and so continued to enjoy the huge sound stage and clarity of these ribbon speakers. I listen both to classical 2-channel music, but also run a 10-foot screen 5.1 movie system and multichannel SACD with these speakers as 'mains' (and Duettas in the back). Now they show some signs of 'aging' with a slight rattlling sound when brass intruments are reproduced at higher volumes.
Where should I go from here if I cannot find help with their recalibration/repair? SoundLab U1? JM Lab Utopia Nova? Quad ESL-989? Dynaudio Confidence C4 or Evidence temptation? Martin Logan Prodigy? Wilson Audio MAXX or Watt/Puppy? Thiel CS5i or 7.2? Wegg3 Lunare 1? Krell LAT-1? What is likely to give a similar performance to Divas in a large media room and is more 'future proof'?
Well, I've had my Apogee D. Sigs for a while, (had a pair of the small hybrids first). I'm so happy with them, that I almost never go out and listen to other speakers...I did listen several times to one $16,000 pair around two years ago.

They sounded very good, maybe as good as my Apogees in some ways (they were HUGE hybrids)...they did not sound better. Of course they were at the dealer...and my speakers were at my home, not really a fair comparo.

The Diva is a better speaker than mine, I have an old Krell setting in reserve for the bass panals of a pair...I've had many thoughts of moving that way myself one day...maybe you'll go back to horns, HeHe

I hope you have a fairly large room...makes a huge difference with fullrange Apogees if you intend to milk them for all they can give.

Best of luck...enjoy


Funny you should mention VMPS...the VMPS RM/X was the $16,000 speaker system I listened to at the dealer.

Wonder if he has the RM60's in stock yet...interesting. BTW, my surround sound system is VMPS plus subs.

Room is 20 by 20 with a vaulted ceiling starting at 8 and ending at 12(all foot measurements). Dave, thanks for your input. I had the Wilson Grand Slamm mk2 before my Trios. Not my cup of tea, they lasted 3 months and were sold.I am confused as to what amps you use an you Duettas.Drop me an email at hifipf@hotmail.com Peter
Divas are as good as it gets. The end of the road. You have come full circle. Next step is back to Bose bookshelves. :)