What components are manufactured in the U.S.A.?

Long time no see...I know. Sorry.

I've been hanging out in Economics forums for the last couple years. One thing that comes up over and over by the people in these forums is that we don't make *anything* here in the U.S. anymore and *definitely* not audio equipment.

I'm not trying to bash any country or foster an atmosphere of geocentricity in this thread. I myself have components from all over the world.

I just want to be able to point them to this thread so they can see it. I suspect most of them have never even been introduced to high end audio even though they are a bunch of engineers and techies so we might get lucky and get some of them on board so they can see what they are missing...even at the entry level...like me.

I'm not just looking for American manufacturers but the specific components that are made with U.S. labor. I recently purchased a Martin Logan sub and was surprised that it was made in China rather than Kansas.

It would also be great if people could put the rough price category so that the newbies who see this thread can see that there are reasonably priced components and stratoshperically priced ones.

Thanks for your replies in advance...much appreciated...and enjoy your systems wherever in the world you might be!


Showing 4 responses by lrsky

All of the speakers listed, have a VERY GOOD chance of having caps, coils, inductors and boards made by foreign suppliers. For that matter, the electronics parts also have that same good chance. Plus some if not many loudspeakers use internationally made drivers.
Plus, I believe that some of THIEL's work is now done in China. The HT pieces may be made there, (inwall, on wall, ceiling, etc.) Plus, and someone else may know, the new Moet design with built in digital amps is probably made in China.
I know the trees for their veneers are grown outside the US!! HA!

What's the point of 'where'? Are we going through another, 'Buy American' phase?
As you answer this, each of you, look out in your garages. Don't think that your purchases of audio, a pittance, have an impact on our economy relative to the Auto Industry imbalance.
Hell, several years back the big Ford Sedan, was considered to be an import because MOST of the parts were imported.
It is a slippery slope to say, "Made in the USA", if the lion's share of parts, boards, virtually everything contained in the product is manufactured elsewhere. Having said this, I think Pamela Anderson is now an import based on this criterion.

Perhaps you could elaborate on:

"I'm sorry that your products don't seem to be on the list."