What do I upgrade next to soothe the soul?

I currrently have an Aragon 8008BB AMP, 28K preamp and D2A2 DAC, plus Polk 2.3 speakers, MK MX145 sub, Nakamichi MB1 CD player and Monster M1 Reference interconnect (that I won in a CD Review contest with the entire Telarc Cd collection). I have the system setup in a 38'by 22' room that is fairly live with windows and woodfloors.

I was happy for years) and now am seeking a fresh sonic experience. And my wife would love smaller and visually attractive speakers. I love classical and Rock music. I want the system to play well at lower as well as higher volume. Music is one of the most importannt loves of my life - it truly soothes the soul. I live in rural area with no dealers for 200 miles.

Thinking of upgrading the Polks or CD player as the next step. What do you all think would make the most difference and any products you'd recommend. Budget 3K and willing to go used.


Showing 1 response by franklapdog

Give Robert Taylor at Taylor House a call.He is about an hour west of Charlotte and is very helpfull.I've known him for 20 years and he won't steer you wrong.His # is 704-483-5730 and good luck.