what is considered more quality integrated in usa

cary sli80 or leben cs600 ??
i like to know the diffrents?
i hear them with devore fidelity nines speakers and i cant decided what is more good
i know the leben cs600 retrail 5000$ and cary sli80 3000$(is it right)?
so is it that big diffrent between them like the price???
I owned the Leben CS600, and I thought it was very, very good with Castle
Acoustics Howard II loudspeakers, and not good at all with Silverline Sonata III
loudspeakers. It was the quietest tube amp I have ever owned.

Others have commented on this site that they were disappointed by the
CS600's performance.

I would strongly suggest that you arrange an audition of the Leben/Devore
combo before you buy...even if it means getting on a plane to do it. The
Leben is not discounted very much, if at all, and you don't want to make a
"blind" purchase of this component.
i understand what u means but suppose someone wanna know in "blind" purchase what is better ?i still dont understand what is more quality for devore nines speakers the cary sli80 or leben and what is more quality considered in usa ?? pls more opnion on this 2 integrated ??
12-21-08: Bolero32
i understand what u means but suppose someone wanna know in "blind" purchase what is better ?
Knowing which is better in a blind purchase is an impossibility. There are too many variables involved, the least of which is personal preference.