what is good sound ?

when evaluating stereo systems, should the performance of the stereo system itself be the reference point, or should the listener be the basis for the evaluation ?

if the instrinsic quality of sound is the basis for judgment, then such concepts as transparency, neutrality or accuracy might be the standard for evaluation.

otherwise, the listener would be the sole judge and whatever criterion, be it based upon sonic considerations or physiological/psychological states, would be the deciding factor.

whatever approach is selected, what is the justification for either one ?

Showing 2 responses by inpepinnovations1e75

Mrtennis, why do you want to "change attitudes about what constitutes good sound"? Have these so-called "attitudes" kept you from enjoying your good sounding stereo?
I think that Lloyd has it right.
Bob P,.
Mr T, your question is as unanswereable as the question 'What makes for good music' Is it the technical prowess of the musicians or personal taste as to the melody, harmony, rythm etc..