What is rebuffering?

My Squeezebox is connected wirelessly to my router. I use Rhapsody for background listening on my Squeezebox. Periodically a song will stop right in the middle of playing for about ten to fifteen seconds and start playing again. That's annoying as hell.....especially when I'm singing along. I check the screen on the Squeezebox and it says that the song is 'rebuffering'. What does that mean? Do you think that if I went wired instead of wireless that the dropouts would stop? My Squeezebox is 50 ft away from the router and I have one of those super double-speed whiz-bang wireless N routers.

Showing 2 responses by mlsstl

Just a quick reminder that your local network (wired or wireless) is not the only possible source of transmission delay. The problem could be occurring due to delays at Rhapsody's end, your ISP's or somewhere in between those two. There have certainly been many times over the years when I've waited longer than normal for a web page to load due to some burp in the network outside my home.
One quick question - do you use your Squeezebox to also play music that has been saved on your computer? If so, a wireless connectivity problem will also cause interruptions with that.

If music stored on your computer plays OK and only the Rhapsody suffers interruptions, then the cause is likely outside your home network.

Your original question only mentioned a problem with Rhapsody.

If both suffer interruptions, then you can start looking at your in-home network. You've received some good suggestions for improvements if that's the issue.
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