What is the best DAC ever made?


Just looking for some imput on high quality DAC's...I have owned a number over some time and have loved and lost them...Currently I am using the Classe DAC-1 to great pleasure...Just thought I would ask others what they thought!
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Showing 7 responses by audiofeil

>>can someone explain to me the purpose of asking for the best dac, preamp, amp, speaker, cable, cd player ever made<<

It brings the morons out of their spider holes.
>>11-12-09: Perrew
Bill:-) google apl hifi and then its the first hit.<<

I did.

It directed me to Bernie Madoff's website.
I know where Bulgaria is located; it is very easy to find on a map.

The same cannot be said for APL.
People were jealous of Corvair and Edsel owners at the onset.

But then again, Ford and GM never re-located to some third world country and hide out for months on end.

Dr. Livingston I presume?