What parts of a TT create soundstage and PRAT ?

I don't know squat about turntables.

I'm trying to get a grasp of what pieces of a turntable are responsible for what.That way when I ask a question and get an answer by you good folks I won't draw blanks in my head when I get a reply.

Such as:

what part is responsible for PRAT?
What part is responsible for soundstage?
What is responsible for clarity?
And on and on and on.

Is there a book I can read?
Is there a magazine article that describes all this?

Try and fill in this blank piece of paper for me.
What kind of clothing do you wear to "work undercover?"

Maybe Tim the Tireguy should be asking about this.
I've no idea what prat is... I put equal $ amounts into the TT and arm, and roughly half that into the cart.

Coming off a 3-day weekend burning in a new cart - 20 hrs they tell me - which is 60, silent, LP sides...
Ya,ok so maby I asked too much too fast.
I just wan't to be able to understand TT's a little better.
My sincere apologies to Mikhail (Inna).

My comment was meant to be a joke. Sorry if this was in poor taste, no disrespect intended.
Just the problem I have been working on.

My DIY prototype.
Design overview

Just a small turn of the The Soundstage "set nut" makes all the diference.

I remain,