What parts of a TT create soundstage and PRAT ?

I don't know squat about turntables.

I'm trying to get a grasp of what pieces of a turntable are responsible for what.That way when I ask a question and get an answer by you good folks I won't draw blanks in my head when I get a reply.

Such as:

what part is responsible for PRAT?
What part is responsible for soundstage?
What is responsible for clarity?
And on and on and on.

Is there a book I can read?
Is there a magazine article that describes all this?

Try and fill in this blank piece of paper for me.
I've no idea what prat is... I put equal $ amounts into the TT and arm, and roughly half that into the cart.

Coming off a 3-day weekend burning in a new cart - 20 hrs they tell me - which is 60, silent, LP sides...
Ya,ok so maby I asked too much too fast.
I just wan't to be able to understand TT's a little better.
My sincere apologies to Mikhail (Inna).

My comment was meant to be a joke. Sorry if this was in poor taste, no disrespect intended.
Just the problem I have been working on.

My DIY prototype.
Design overview

Just a small turn of the The Soundstage "set nut" makes all the diference.

I remain,