what really happened to j. skul

why did j skul get fired from stereophile?

Showing 13 responses by capeguy

lostinspaceandtime,i agree, i was commenting on the js post telling us about archibalds time on the freedom buses,the guys political views are not mine but he walked the walk and had mucho stones. i was not one of the rabid right who cancelled,i liked the mag to much for that,but i felt then as i do now,a hobby mag is not newsweek.sheesh. end of the larry story.peace and music.
dekay it was great to hear from js and his respnse to his critics was a hoot as i expected it would be. he sounds like he is happy at monster and that is a good thing,i wish him the best, despite his many critics i thought he was a rip. as for you dekay, as the man said,i read your bio, and if anyone qualifys as a girly sue type it's you.but as i said befor ,i don't have time for your bitterness. good luck in your job search,work will make you strong. adios.
with all respesct sean, your response is a longer version of stereophiles explanation.iwas hoping to hear from someone who had real inside information,barring that, i guess the opinion of rockvirgo is closer to the truth.
hey dekay, lighten up man, i was curious about the sudden departure of a major player in the industry who wrote in a magazine that i have read for a long time. regardless of what you thought of scull, and my opinion lines up more or less with trelija, you cannot deny his impact on all things audio. and dekay even if i had j10 address which i do not, i wouldn't call him and ask him about something that may be painful for him to discuss with anyone lest of all a stranger. of all the responses to my question, yours was the only one to flame my motive, and since you don't know me,im suprised by the response.this is a hobby, not life or death.
dekay, gossiping, poor taste/judgement are you for real? js is or was a public figure and im sure he would understand a long time subscribers interest in the sudden departure of a senior editor given the one line response by j. atkison regarding his absence from the mag. i was really interested in any readers opinion of stereophiles take on this, as you can see from the responses people all had different opinions on the issue but none came out with an over the top attack on my motive in asking the question. by the by, who set you up as arbiter of taste and judgement? i asked myself why is thi guy such a tight ass on this and then i read your bio. now i understand. this hobby is about love of music and the equipment that makes it sound great. i don't have time for your bitterness, so adios dekay
meisterkleef,i thought about your comment re;scull and at the risk of pissing off that great arbiter of taste and judgement,dekay, i think you were interested in his stuff for the same reason as i,he was extremly entertaining,even if you disagreed with his sometime esoteric views on audio, he always made yoU THINK AND SOMETIME LAUGH. I HOPE HE HOOKS UP WITH ANOTHER AUDIO MAG,TAS? EVEN THOUGH HP HAS STATED NO WAY FOR WHAT EVER HIS REASONS. SCULL HAS A FOLLOWING, MY SELF INCLUDED, WHO CONSIDER HIM VERY ENTERTAINING IN AN INDUSTRY THAT SOMETIMES TAKES ITSELF WAY TO SERIOUSLY.
trelja, i agree art dudly is a great guy and an asset to stereophile, listener was a niche mag that catered to the horn speaker set amplifier audiophile. without bashing these folks, do you really believe that the average stereophile reader is interested in 5watt amps and exotic horn speakers?art is much more than a one dimensional audiophile,but if you read his mag, you know were his interests are. maybe im wrong.
trelja, great response, this is why i came to audiogon in the first place. articulate discussions of issue in audio that is of interest to all of us. i don't doubt your bud dekay is a great guy, but this guy did an all out attack on someone he doesn't know,comments on his taste and juudgement etc. all over a simple question that prompted reasoned responses from other readers including yourself. sounds to me like he is a sensative soul or was having a bad hair day. trelja, i hope i didn't come out as anti dudly,i read his mag and enjoyed it even though i don't have any interest in art's love of horns etc. i think his addition to stereophile will insert some fresh thinking to a mag that was stagnate.nice job on the dekay issue, are you now or were you ever a diplomat. please excuse the typing and other errors, im an old goat who is new to computers and types with one finger, my goal is to advance to two fingers soon.
sean, i miss your input on this funny issue. of all of the people i have read in my short visit to audiogon, i have been most impressed with you. despite the facxt that you are a young puppy, you seem to have an insight to the industry that is absent from most. i don't know if this is the appropriate forum for this, but i think if you are to exchange ideas, you should understand each other, with that in mind, i am a 65 year old veteran of the revolution, just kidding,make that korea.i have been an audiophile for 45 years,my god, you young folks must be really amused at this point, i have owned all of the hot systems, maggies, infinitys, wilsons,b&w,dunlavy,i may have forgot a few, goes with senior status don't you know. in electronics i have had arc, bat,krell, levinson,cj,and i may have forgotten a few here. as an aside and a laugh for you young folks, my first system was double advents,scott and a garrad turntable, my current system is a levinson 31.5,classe dac-1 z-systems rpd-1 and b&w nautilus 801 speakers.sean, i am vp of human resources for a major ct. company,hence my interest from a professional standpoint in the scull affair. what do you do to pay for our hobby?
saxo,tell us how you really feel. i agree the ribbon chair was a bit much and his nickname of j10 was oh so precious,but didn't you get a yuk out of some of his stuff?come on saxon, even if his reviews were not world class i think the entertainment value was worth something. i have read the anti scull responses and they seem to fall into two catagorys, those that disliked his professional reviews and those who for what ever reason hated the guy.i can never get as angry at anyone as you appear to be at scull, what's up with that? peace and tranquility saxon,relax and enjoy the music.
j10, i didn't like archibald's views on politics or audio and i really didn't like it when he inserted his politics into a hobby magazine,but you have to admire a guy who put his butt on the line in those buses.sort of makes the silly little pissing duels in audio pale in significance doesn't it.
dekay,don't know what that means, but i guess it can't be very good. you should relax take your prozac and try your very best to get that job.
j10,your an "east-coast liberal democrat of the worst kind"as if there was any other kind. i thought larry archibald was the resident left winger on stereophile. i take back all the nice things i said about you now that your out of the closet.heh,heh,yuk, yuk. saw your column on monster,same old js but with a better picture,see what money will do. heh, heh.