What's your favorite Patricia Barber album?

I just bought the Verse cd and like it very much. What do you guys think i should get next?

I must be the only one. Anyone have A DISTORTION OF LOVE. Antilles label. Great recording. Summertime, My Girl, just two of the cuts. Album done back in 1991. Anyone heard this baby? Put it on your list. peace, warren
Just buy them all. You will LOVE them. if forced, I say Companion.

audiophile911 is thinking what I am thinking. I am really looking forward to Companion on SACD. It is a truly excellent redbook recording and I want to listen very critically to the redbook v SACD.
Wow what a response! Ok i will go out and get a few of her older cd's this weekend. To tell the truth, i had to listen to verse a few times before i started getting into to it. But now i do love it. So let me check em out and i'll get back to you.

Here's a list of all PB's recordings:
Modern Cool
Cafe Blue
Distoriton of love

The 2nd cut on Companion, Use Me: You'll see what your sub woofer or speaker's got, in the way of bass extension. A four string bass that will rattle your walls.
Happy listening. warren