
Responses from tommy583

Jolida jd 100 owners
Thanks for your responses so far. Since I have the addiction known as audiofoolism, i'm sure I will be rolling tubes soon. I was just wondering the advantage of the shields because they are one more thing to take off and put on. 
A good Preamp for ST70
Kollert,I too have a ST-70 rebuilt by Will Vincent. I'm currently using a Rogue Metis preamp with it. I think they look great together and sound great too.Happy hunting,Tommy 
EL34 SED, Black Sable or Genelex Gold Lion?
Bjesien,My amp is a Dynaco ST-70, but it is wired in triode. The guy who built my amp(Will Vincent) sent it wih JJ KT-77's. But all three of the tubes mentioned in this tread blow the JJ's away. 
EL34 SED, Black Sable or Genelex Gold Lion?
Bjesien,I would say if you want clarity and detail go with the Siemens or the Gold Lions. I feel that the SED gives a softer overall sound than the other two. Between the other two in my system, i've found the Gold lions to have touch softer sound... 
EL34 SED, Black Sable or Genelex Gold Lion?
Bjesien,I have spent the better part of a year trying different EL34's in my amp. SED nice midrange, but a little too rolled off in the highs for my taste. Siemens better highs and bass, maybe a little dry sounding though. Gold Lion KT-77's wow. I... 
dynaco st 70 what tubes to replace first
Dav 65,Have you ever tried the gold Lion KT-77's? I was thinking about trying quad of them when funds allow. 
dynaco st 70 what tubes to replace first
I also own a Will Vincent rebuilt ST-70 wired in triode. I ended up changing all the tubes. RCA 7199's made a positive difference. I tried SED "winged C" el34's and a quad of Siemens el34's. I much prefered the Siemens, winged c's being too rolled... 
Does the impedance have to match?
Good point Unsound, but this receiver is staying put for the time being. My girlfriend liked it and bought it. I put all of my money into the 2 ch system that I have listed this site. I just can't stand the sound of the crappy speakers that came w... 
Does the impedance have to match?
Yes it is a surround reciever. So you guys are saying that I could run say 8 ohm speakers for the fronts and center. Then it would be ok to leave the rears and sub with the 3 ohm speakers that came with it? I was under the impression that I would ... 
Would a speaker upgrade work?
It's not so much a question of will it sound better. I'm sure any half way decent speakers would sound better than the junk that came with it. It's more a question of does the ohms of all the speakers have to be the same. I don't want to go overbo... 
Would a speaker upgrade work?
I was looking at it today and the sub is a passive unit. It is also 3 ohms. Would i have to change the sub also, so all the speakers have the same ohms? Or i guess i could get a powered sub and run it off the speaker leads. 
Room for discussion?
This is a great question. My room is almost the same dimensions. Right now I have the speakers on the long wall. The speakers are six feet apart from the center of the tweeters and my ear is around 7.5 feet from each speaker. The rear of the speak... 
Would this be an upgrade?
Well I took some of your advice and tried some different IC's. I have decided on JPS labs superconductor Q's. They seem to have opened up the soundstage and give me more detail. At the same time the bass is still good and the highs are not harsh a... 
Would this be an upgrade?
Thanks for all the replies so far. The reason i asked is I thought this might be a sideways move also. I may have been caught up in the name game. 
Rogue Audio Cronus tubes ??
No one must own any Rogue on this site. I asked the same question about a Metis pre-amp and got no responses. For what it's worth, I have a rebuilt ST-70 that uses EL-34's. I've tried the winged SED " C "s and NOS Siemens. I like them both, the wi...