What started you on the path to being audionut?

I was 14 and visited by 26 year old neighbor. Went to his room. He fired up his Thorens table with some Chicago running through a Carver preamp/cube amp into Heresy horn speakers.
At the time this was leaps and bounds better versus anything else I heard. I was hooked from that moment.

He also played trumpet in a Chicago tribute band. I use to sit outside on my mom's front steps listening to his band practice as the music flowed out from the open, cellar hatchway doors.

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I built a few Heath kits as a lad. Later, when older, I was a salesman then a Manager at Radio Shack. That was during the time when Radio Shack merged (purchased) with Allied Radio and became Allied Radio Shack for a time.
We sold all brands of Audio gear. Such as, Sansui, Tandberg, Pioneer, Kenwood and many others.

Oh, to be that young again...