When is digital going to get the soul of music?

I have to ask this(actually, I thought I mentioned this in another thread.). It's been at least 25 years of digital. The equivalent in vinyl is 1975. I am currently listening to a pre-1975 album. It conveys the soul of music. Although digital may be more detailed, and even gives more detail than analog does(in a way), when will it convey the soul of music. This has escaped digital, as far as I can tell.
"Music buyers voted down high resolution audio with their failure to buy enough SACD or DVD-A discs to encourage the record companies to continue with the business model."

Yes. And they buy their equipment at Best Buy and Walmart too.

Has that stopped people who care about good sound from shopping for the expensive toys we demand in our preferred high end audio boutiques, like this site and other sources?

Since high resolution digital masters are apparently already a fact of life and exist, I see no reason why over time someone will not find an effective way to make new money on the existing commodity by selling it to those in the target market willing to pay, just as they are willing to pay more than the masses now for their expensive vinyl and CD playback systems.
I'll be waiting for the day when high resolution audio with the quality of digital masters is released on a wide scale and with a catalog as complete as the low resolution catalog, and when the day comes I'll be the first to write that I was wrong.
This is a great thread but I think people who prefer Analog are barking up the wrong tree when they try to "justify " their preference from a "technical" perspective.

you could feel the relaxing nature of all analog versus analog with some digital

Exactly. That is the crux of it. This is why analog tape recorders, tube amps with old ribbon microphones were preferred and are STILL preferred by many pros in the industry. It is all about the different "recorded" and "playback" sound, a style which some people prefer and is viewed as pleasing and less fatiguing.

I can assure you it is NOT due to a technological failure of digital!

If you examine the science of the CD format and its accuracy in signal reproduction then there is asbolutely NO DOUBT that it is extremely good (and far far superior to anything we had before). In fact CD format is so superior from a technical angle that you can compress it heavily (as with iTunes) and it still sells and many people are happy with MP3 type quality (a mere ghost of what is on a CD).

Before getting twisted off - please remember I am talking from a purely technical perspective. Digital uses the kind of technology used in our satellite communications, computing, internet and banking system. I mean we are talking stupendous accuracy compared to analog - you can make millions of copies of a copy of digital music perfectly (Analog is noticeably degraded after as little as four of five copies of a copy!) These are FACTS.

All I am saying is that Digital will NEVER get the "soul of music" as defined by people who like the type of sound produced by analog equipment. NEVER. NOT EVER. It won't and it can't.

So lets get over the squabbling in the sand box!

Lets stop trying to formulate a "technical" or "scientific" explanation for why many prefer the sound of Analog equipment! You simply can't mount a technical argument that "CD is a joke" and that analog Vinyl is superior "technically"! There is tons of information out there starting from wax cylilnders, to 78's (with the 12 equalization schemes) followed by the 33 1/3 LP and RIAA scheme and the common knowledge today that highest quality dance mixes for DJ's are generally limited to 6 to 7 minutes on a 12" 45 RPM (or else inner groove distortion will affect the highs). These facts and technical issues with analog vinyl are so well known - it is just plain silly to try to refute them and claim victory over CD's on pure technical grounds (it sounds right and digital sounds wrong, bad)! FWIW, I used to buy all the 12" 45 RPM single releases I could get my hands on when I was collecting 33 1/3 Vinyl and there was absolutely no question of their technical superiority for dynamics - all well supported by science too (just look at the edge of an LP and you see it is turning faster on the outside than the inside - I mean we are talking an absolute NO BRAINER - of course the inner groove quality is worse)! And don't get me wrong - I love the sound of Vinyl - it is excellent and I invested heavily in Japanese pressing etc to eek the most out of it.

The fact is Vinyl sounds better to some people - maybe it sounds better to absolutely everybody. Who knows. It is preferred. But why the need for a "pissing" contest every few weeks on Audiogon with the need to "prove" and float a "mirage" of Vinyl's technical merits over a CD that is then described as "a joke".

I am sorry but CD is far from "a joke" - it is probably the greatest technical advance in audio reproduction since Edison started messing around with wax cylinders to store music (along with the electrical amplifier and the speaker driver). The fact that SACD and DVD-Audio failed and that MP3 type files are the fastest growing source of shared music simply proves that too many people already find "CD" more than good enough!!!

We also need to distinguish what is produced on CD by the major labels (mostly hyper compressed crap for cars and boomboxes) from what high quality "audiophile" labels are doing with Vinyl. I agree that much of what is mastered for mass markets on CD is "a joke". I agree that much of what was produced before the mid 80's was much less compressed and better sounding - of course most of this good sound is only available on Vinyl - most modern CD remasters of old tapes are often ruined by modern zealous engineers/producers jacking up the dial on their compressors/limiters. That there is currently a serious problem with pop CD quality there is NO DOUBT, however this has nothing to do with the technical limitations of CD redbook format or "digital".

Can't we just accept that reproduced music on Vinyl is preferable to some (many?) ears rather than turn this into a "fault" with digital? Or a fault with peope who appreciate what CD's have done for music?

Some people love Salvador Dali's paintings - does that make Andy Warhol's art faulty? Does it make someone who likes Andy Warhol a stupid ignorant blind idiot who just doesn't "get it" becuase Andy Warhol is "a joke"?

Just a thought - but I see these analog vs digital arguments just going on forever and I just feel that there is actually nothing wrong with preferring Dali over Warhol...

How do we know that some here, especially those younger, do not in fact have fully functional human ears that can actually can discern things clearly even beyond 20000hz unlike most of us?

If they are over forty, that would be a huge exception though, so perhas there really is not much of a market.

I am over forty and know for a fact I cannot hear anything up there the way Iused to be able to back in college.

Maybe that's why CDs sound just fine in many cases to me and many others but not some.

Ironically, the higher resolution stuff may be technically superior, but most people will never be able to hear the difference. Those who can are probably younger and even less likely to be able to afford it.
Shadrone, Love your summary. It's been said before though. To no avial, unfortunately.

IMHO, the reality is that a lot of folks need to reinforce their personal observations/beliefs so they make a polorizing statement to find support from like believers. A human condition that defies any rational cure. After they have found their counterparts they form a gang and attack all others as non-believers.

It all starts with the title of the thread. If anyone thinks that any particular format has 'soul' they are listening to the wrong thing. Any 'soul' to be found is found in the music, and it can be heard live or over boom boxes by those who have an open mind and ears, those who are not just obsessed with the quality of sound reproduction.

Interestingly the self-proclaimed 'music lovers' who decry and avoid any one particular format because of its inability to convey the soul of music, have no real interest in music. It is just a vehicle for the sound. What they worship is the sound.

One of my favorite performances of Mussorgsky's Pictures is a 1956 recording of a live performance by Richter. I have it on both LP and CD. It is a terrible recording! In either format! But, IMHO, no better performance has ever been recorded. I suspect many audiophiles, in particular, but especially format freaks, would never 'hear' its greatness, or even listen to it, because of recording issues.

Its OK to focus on sound quality, after all it is the foundation of this hobby, but lets not get sanctimonious and pretentious about format preferences having 'soul' or being able to convey 'soul'. That is nothing more, or less, than a bumper crop of crap, being farmed by a bunch of past, present, or future merchants. IMHO of course.

If 'soul' is something to be discussed, why don't we just start a new thread about which religion best portrays or encoumpasses 'soul'. Now that would really be fun!

Rant over. :-)