When showing your system to others, what do you do

When you guys demo your system to a hifi virgin whats your procedure? Do you ask musical tastes first before the first song? Do you first play somthing that you feel best demonstrates your gears abilities? and then have them pick somthing out? If they bring some of their own music do you throw that on first? Im curious as to what your opinions are. Since we(the audiophiles) are showing our friends hifi for the first time its our responsibility to make it great, right? I have alwaysed played somthing i pick first to let them relax and adjust and then ask what they want to hear, or put their music on. I have never had someone leave and say that was not enjoyable but im sure i could make the experience more enjoyable. Any comments you have will be much appreciated. thanks

Showing 2 responses by audphile1

07-06-06: Jaybo
people are always far more interested in my music collection than the equipment.

do they attempt to re-arrange it as well? lol
I am never an initiator when it comes to this. I usually let the guest inquire first and show some interest. And if they do, then fine. Other than that, you'll be waisting electricity. To someone who doesn't care about music too much it will make no difference listening to your hi-end stereo or listening to a boombox on the beach.
As far as music selection, I usually ask what they want to hear. If they have no answer to that, then anything that sounds good to you on your system will do.