Where is All the DSD?

Ever since last fall when Sony made the announcement that they would start releasing hi quality music files, DSD, I have been waiting with great anticipation to get those. Acoustic Sounds (and other online retailers) followed-up immediately with their own announcements that much more DSD content was on its way.... What happened? I check every several days hoping to fine loads of new DSD files available on AS and other stores; so far, I am not seeing them. Yes, there are a few decent DSD titles out there, but so far it has been a big let down. What went wrong?

Showing 2 responses by goose

Unless the availability and pricing gets in line with redbook offerings the masses will never embrace DSD....a real shame in my opinion.
Brownsfan, I have always questioned the record industry regarding their marketing strategy. Long gone are the days of the big recording contracts and unlimited budgets for recording sessions. It's become a distributed model where there are multiple independents and artists taking control of the product.

If Sony and others really wanted to push DSD, they would slash the price of the downloads to get more users excited about the sound to draw the masses to the technology. Otherwise, this will limp along like all the other format changes. At this point I'm pretty happy with my vinyl, CD's and SACD's.