Where's the talk/reviews on the Emotiva UMC-200?

At $599 (ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!!) direct from the manufacturer (that's right,..no middleman mark up), Emotiva has a standalone DTS Master/Dolby HD audio 7.1 preamp processor, AND I DON'T HEAR ANYONE TALKING ABOUT IT HERE!Why is that?...
There are surely threads on which AV receiver (yawn) is being used, or which should I buy, this and that. But there's not a hint of talk about what should otherwise be a superior performance option in the Emotiva budget separates!? Again, why is that?
I am personally one who would never spend $1500+ (and would only look to pay $100-250 on one, if I absolutely had to) on a brand new AV receiver, which is likely sonically compromised, in many aspects, for my money. Basically, I want to spend as little as possible if I go the AV receiver route for my system, and would MUCH RATHER spend on quality separates based performance, ESPECIALLY at only a few hundred dollars in cost!
So, here's this Emotiva $599 as advertised processor, and I here nary a word about it...anywhere! I might have seen one brief review in a magazine. But, I see nothing from the faithful here!
Anyone used, heard, demo'd, or have any input on this UMC-200 piece from Emotiva? Any comparisons to other gear you've owned, as for functionality, digital audio sound quality, video up-scaling or pass-through quality, reliability, and so on??? Is this thing the same as the originally offered UMC-1 at same price? I heard that one had lots of bugs and problems??
Anyway, I want to hear from those hear on their thoughts and experiences with this thing, and why isn't this apparent "bargain" of an item being discussed? ...or does most everyone here still think that your standard Chinese built AV surround receiver will offer the same level of performance as what you'd expect from higher end esoteric separates electronics?
Whaaatteeerrrryyyaaall comments here?

Showing 3 responses by avgoround

Thank you Runnin for your insight into the product line! That sounds about right. You get what you pay for, typically.
I'll likely look at a bit more upscale used products in the near future.
I know that, like the Emotiva UMC-1 -which took YEARS to realease, ultimately - Mondial Audio is supposed to release a current 7.1, HDMI 3D ready Acurus Act 4 processor. That might be interesting. I know the old Act 3 and upgraded same unit, where simply DYNAMITE for budget products! Super dynamic, pretty musical, nice and clear, with very good overall detail for what they were, in their time.
Also used to own the Krell HTS 5.1, Aragon Soundstage, Macintosh MX132, and others like the Act 3. I do need some sort of an upgraded, hi-end sound for my needs.
Sounds like maybe Emotiva isn't the kind of level Im likely looking for.
lets say that same $600 Emotiva Prepro were sold through traditional retail sales distribution channels. What would the price then be? -probably $899 instead???
That considered, on the other AV receiver side of the market, its actually pretty amazing what relative overall sound quality they can get from a $600-$1000 (non-direct sales, standard retail distribution and associated percentage mark up) AV receiver -which also includes power amp section- in comparison! I mean what kind of profit would be left over, after all the proper channels get paid, the parts costs get factored, the factory overhead n distribution routs costs are considered, advertising dollars calculated, and retail costs added, what profit could be left in that?
Well I know retail markup is typically approximately 30-40% over wholesale on these type of products, from past history experience. So you do the math on a $899 AV receiver, considering all the likely costs n markups along the way!
I figure the Emotiva is likely working on similar price margins as any large scale Receiver manufacturer, in comparison. I mean how far different could profit numbers be at that price range?
Yep yep yep...now I'm thinkin I would probably do just fine choosing from many of the used gear options that are widely available on the internet, rather than to spend "discount" money on some otherwise budget conscious product, from a company with a less than stellar product quality control track history, just fer a "price!"
Anyone know how much a used Krell 7.1 Theater Standard, er whatever, is again???