where to put rack

should i put my rack inbetween & behind speakers ,inbetween the speakers or inbetween & in front of the speakers.interconnect cables are not long so these are my only choises..
I like to put the rack at the bass null along the sidewall to minimize airborne vibrations transmitted to the sensitive equipment. But if you have to put it in between, try to put it as far back against the front wall as possible. And if possible, choose a short rack such that the top shlef is below the mid-range driver.
you mean behind the speakers,,unfortunatly my rack is 4 feet high & my suspentionless T/T sits on the top shelf.
I don't know much flexibility you have in terms of positioning the rack. But if you have a TT then you definitely want to look for the bass null. You can walk around the room while playing bass heavy music and try to find the spot at the TT height where the bass disappears.
Sidssp is absolutely right about the bass null however this does not take into account the possibly deleterious effects of reflections off of the rack on the soundstage. The best thing to do is to try all three positions and find out for yourself. You weren't doing anthing on Saturday anyway. No pain, no gain in audiophile land. You may find that the right spot makes a much bigger difference than that component upgrade you were considering. More money to use on LPs. Best of luck.
what kind of feet are on the rack? Suggestion: Buy those furniture mover pads (foam on upper side and smooth plastic bases) and put under the feet while testing it out. It'll slide around really easily for you. THen it should only take you 1/2 of Saturday :-}
Given the three options listed, you would want to tuck it behind the speakers but not all the way up against the wall. Unless you have dipoles, bipoles or other speakers that radiate out of anything but the front, this will reduce the amount of direct energy fed into the rack and minimize "damage" to the soundstage and imaging. Pulling it slightly off the wall will minimize the impact of low frequency reinforcement that occurs naturally in every room.

You may be able to walk in that area while the system is playing a find a spot that has the least "boom" and place the rack there. It is quite possible that this location might be off-center between the speakers, as this will vary with room dimensions and speaker placement. So long as you have enough speaker / power cord lengths to reach, i would try to use that spot.

If such a set-up leaves you with a noticeable amount of extra speaker cable on the short side, do you best to spread it out. DO NOT coil or loop it up. Doing such could create a randomly tuned choke and / or increase the systems susceptability to RFI. Sean
Sean's right, don't expect to find a bass null close to the wall boundry if you have conventional box speakers, even on the side (wasn't an option anyway, I know). If there seems to be no difference in bass energy anywhere within the area of possibility, then go ahead and center it to keep it furthest away from both speakers, except if one speaker is much closer to a corner than the other, in which case bias the rack away from the corner. In all cases, get the rack as much behind the plane of the speakers as you can for the sake of imaging and soundstaging, while still trying to leave a gap of at least a few inches to a foot between it and the wall behind to avoid the strongest bass reinforcement. Then look into an isolation shelf for your TT. Happy listening! :-)