Which speakers will fill 5,000 cubic ft coherently

In porevious threads I've bemoaned the fact that my Kharma 3.2 FEs don't fill the room, 17 X 23 X 15 ft ceilings with a vertical enough soundstage, as though the speakers are literally too small. I have been advised to raise them,which I have done, , I have told to get taller, line arrays, even given names of custom speaker makers. Any specic recommendations from those that have had, and have conquered, this issue.
There are 2 speakers that will blow you away if you like slam.I just learned what that ment using ab ae-3 pre cheap as dirt with tubes that cost more th it vdid.
#1. IRS Vs ask Bill at Millersound if he can get them the Atmas will be fine the 6 woofer line array is self powered. The WAF factor might be a problem at 7' and 4 columns but I never herad anything better. They are Rare the only guy who seems to know where they are is Bill. Also your budget might be strecht.
The other is the famous but now forgotten Duntechs a very big speaker reccommened to me but my dedicated listening area wont accomodate them. Believe it not these ultra speakers sell for $3,00 to $5,000. They heavy at 350 lbs each but if you want fine detail and don't play at 90 db wich considerable I know . A friend and I tried to listen to Bad to the Bone at 100Db and up. I just couldn't takeit. BTW we used my vintage Klipsch La Scalas. No onev was killed or injured. I wouldn't try that with my JMs which are "Old Hat" but the utopias are great.
Ralph I thought Liked the Klipsch imitations, like the man said CAR I tyhink>
If you scroll down the page on the Classic Audio Reproductions Contemporary Line page, you will see the T5. These look like traditional box speakers, yet they are 94dB and 16 ohms. I don't believe the T5 use a horn, although the T3 do...and they don't look like traditional horn speakers either.

Have you heard those speakers, Grant? The ones they had at the show that I was responding to were from their "Classic" line. I did not see the "Contemporary" line there(or perhaps I just didn't notice them as the Classics have a very commanding presence). Certainly neither would not fall into any 10" wide limit though. Coincident is a good call. Vienna Acoustics Mahlers perhaps, those also sounded great and are very capable of room-filling sound. Neither impressed me more than the TADs though. Can't recall if they'd fall into the 10" limit, but they'd probably be close.
>>03-16-08: Tvad
10" wide limit? Wow.<<

I can stretch it to 18" - just wont be able to open the drawer next to it. That means the Tyler Woodmeres, Zu Definitions, Presesnce of those mentioned, would do. There's a used pair of the former on A'gon for $6,500
I would think the impedance curve of the Zu Definition, Presence, or any of the Coincident speaker lineup would be better suited than the Tylers to your Atma-Sphere amps.