Which USB to S/PDIF converter with Metrum Octave?

I'm exploring USB converters to pair with my Metrum Octave, which in turn feeds a Lamm LL2 deluxe and a McIntosh MC275. I read comments suggesting the converter is very important, but equally important is how it interacts with the DAC to be used.

So far my top pick is an Audiophilleo 2 with PurePower. This would also be about the higher end of what I'm willing to spend ($1k).

I read great things about the Off-Ramp, but it's over my budget. Same for Berkeley's converter.

One line that has me intrigued is Bel Canto's. The uLink is $675, but doesn't have a good power supply. What it does have is the fiber optic out, and Steven Stone recently found that connection superior to the others when connecting to a Bel Canto DAC. Anyone tried it with the Octave? Or the REFLink?

Other converters I should consider?

Thank you!

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W4S makes the uLINK. I've used their dacs on the past, great products from a good company.