Who has heard the new Pass XA25?

Anyone heard this new Pass amp?
I haven't, but since nobody else has chimed in I'll throw out my two cents for whatever it's worth. 

The XA25 isn't all that far divorced from the First Watt F5, of which I'm listening to my own beefed up build of right now. From what I understand, the XA25 is pretty much a two stage push-pull topology with SuSy feedback. A well built F5 sounds very good, but the XA25 is quite a bit better. It uses parallel pairs of outputs and the feedback is more effective with less gain. It has a more muscular, relaxed sound with better articulation, lower noise floor, and less hum. In a lot of ways it's a First Watt amp, even being built into a First Watt chassis, but the better, beefier power supply, parallel outputs, and more effective feedback are what really set it apart. Sound-wise, I'm not sure what exactly to tell you since it most sounds like an obscure First Watt amp of which only 1000 examples were built. It's definitely an excellent example of low power solid state amplification that would drive 2 ohm without burping and does sound excellent. 
I have the XA25 for about three months now. Here’s a review that says it all about the sound:
and another:
Scroll for the English version.

I’m powering a pair of Acoustic Zen Crescendo 2 speakers (90 dB). Pass suggests at least 91 dB sensitivity so I’m borderline. I find the sound robust, detailed, startlingly quick, with a warm and an unwavering presentation. The 15x20 room fully energizes well before the amp runs out of steam. When pushed, coherence suffers and it’s noticeable. At that level I’m bothering the neighbors anyway (condo). Great amp.

I’ve auditioned the XA25 in my listening room driving Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor M speakers. This is a very nice amp. Its actual power belies the modest spec sheet but I think that is typical of Pass Labs, especially in low impedance situations. Let me preface the following statements by saying that I don’t hear large differences in sound character between well designed SS amplifiers. I know that is contrary to what many on this site believe.

I found the sound of the XA25 to be neutral, revealing and with excellent command of the bass (my speakers go down to ~42Hz). Listening to YoYo Ma’s performance of Dona Nobis Pacem, I can clearly hear his breath control but it doesn’t distract from the music - you’re just a little closer to the performer. I would describe the overall presentation as natural.

If you determine that the sound is not to your liking, I would look elsewhere (upstream or downstream in your system) for the cause. This amp is not going to color the sound in any way.

If the power is adequate, this is a great choice.

Hey bobheinatz,

My review on the XA-25 should be put up on hometheaterreview.com in the next two weeks.  I own a pair of XA-60.8 mono-blocks and a First Watt SIT 2, they are great amplifiers.  However, for my tastes I believe the XA-25 might be the best amplifier that Nelson and his staff have yet to produce in their long storied history.  If it was not for it's lack of background noise and its dynamic control of the low end, you might think you are listening to a SET tube based amplifier because of the purity/density of timbres/tonality and how it has 3D "meat on the bones" imaging that you rarely get out of a SS design.  Take a look at my review for a lot more details why I have made this my reference amplifier in my reviewing system.
@bobheinatz I heard the XA25 briefly at CAS a few months ago. It was in a modest room, with a HPA-1 used as a preamplifier and I believe an Oppo source. Speakers were some Vienna Acoustics floorstanders that the Pass rep said "were what I found in the warehouse." The sound was warm and full but a bit sluggish and laid back for my tastes... but given the setup I can't pin that on the amp at all. The other comments are certainly interesting... I might just have to see if I can get one in-house for review...
Hey bobheinatz,

Here's two more reviewers that have raved about the XA-25:

1) "the audio beatnik" on his website did an excellent job of comparing the XA-25 to his XA-30.8.  He's a good writer and has excellent ears.

2) On the website Audiophiliac, Steve Guttenburg has also reviewed the XA-25 and fallen in love with it. 

I'm in basic agreement with both their perspectives on this amplifier.  The major difference is what preamplifier they used to drive it.  I found the combination of the Linear Tube Audio Micro-ZOTL with NOS tubes with the XA-25 to be a remarkable match made in sonic heaven in my system.  
Hey Guys,

In the February edition of Stereophile the reviewer, Herb Reichert, gave a superlative rave over the XA-25 performance.  I believe he kinda missed how terrific the amp's tonality/timbres and its rendering of 3D/imaging and space are, but he did get how quiet/transparent it is compared to his SET tube amplifier or possibly any amplifier on the market, along with its speed/power/control overall.

John Atkinson's measurements showed that the XA-25 greatly out-performed its stated power ratings significantly, indeed.  It's specified power out put is 25 watts into 8 ohms and 50 watts into 4 ohms.  Atkinson's measurements were 80 watts into 8 ohms and 130 watts into 4 ohms.  

Pass Labs is always quite conservative in their ratings to begin with, with the XA-25 this little amp in size is quite the powerhouse hitting way above its ratings.

Does the XA25 have enough power to drive the Tekton DIs comfortably?  I am considering it as a replacement for my digital amplification.  I am planning to use it with Mytek Brooklyn DAC+ which serves also as my preamp and a phono stage.  Any thoughts on possible power deficiency?
@olesno   Teajay is driving his Tekton Ulfberths with the Pass XA-25.

I would say, absolutely but will point to @teajay  so he can provide you with a direct post.

I drove the DIs with the XA-30.8
The XA30.8 is my other consideration and it has little more power.  Doing my research however I noticed that the sound of the 25 is slightly preferred over the 30.8 by those who know both.
Definitely reach out to Teajay. I believe you will be very pleased with his take on the XA-25.
I have had a chance at hearing one enjoyable very good for SS if you have easy to drive loudspeakers still I prefer a SET amp why I didn't purchase plus I have a few 1st watts about. But if looking for small power SS pass should be near or top on ones list.
Hey Guys,

Just informed that my review on the XA-25 will go up next Monday on hometheaterreview.com.  I wanted to make the XA-25 one of my choices for POY AWARDS 2017, but missed the deadline to submit it.  

I talked to Olesno, very nice gentlemen, so thanks David for suggesting  to him we could discuss this amplifier.  I never thought I would hear a SS amplifier with the special colors/tonality that great tube SET delivers, yet the XA-25 provides that plus dynamics and control that are beyond the reach of favorite SET amps.

Johnk,  I don't understand why you believe that the XA-25 would only work with "easy" to drive speakers.  It delivers over 130 watts into 4 ohms and drops high levels of current when it needs to.  Yes, I would not recommend for MBL's, but short of that it will work quite well with many different speaker loads.  Is it totally the equal of a great 300b/2A3 SET amp in the areas were they are quite special- pretty freaking close!  What preamplifier was driving the XA-25 during your listening period?  I still have guests that cannot believe that this amp is not a SET tube based design.
Thanks Terry.  I have been waiting to read your review.  Still have not purchased but strongly leaning towards xa25.
Thanks david_ten for your suggestion. I had a great conversation with Terry and decided to get the XA-25. I am convinced it will be a great match with my DIs and can’t wait till I actually can sit down and enjoy the music. After all, this is what it’s all about.
A pass xp10, amp had trouble driving our Odins , did well on horns and pretty good on 1.7 maggies so I stand by the easy to drive if you want to get the best out of it. I still prefer SET amplification in my main systems but if I didnt have a few first watts about I would considered its purchase.

You are welcome! Great to hear that you have purchased the XA-25. And great to hear that Terry was very helpful. He's been very helpful in guiding me with my choices and decisions also.

Looking forward to hearing your feedback on how it does in your system.
I just read the review of XA25  by Terry on hometheaterreview.com and it just reinforced my decision to go for the "little" Pass and pair it with my Tekton DI speakers.  What a great review.
Also just also read Terry’s review and will be ordering the XA25 very soon.  Thanks for your review.  I have been a tube guy forever but this XA25 should give me the tube sound without the tube problems.  It will be paired with a quality tube preamp.  I am excited!
+1 @cal3713 

I'd love to hear some impressions of the XA25, especially how it compares / differs sonically to an FirstWatt F7, or a good SET amp, like the 300b based Coincident Franks, which I happily run now!
I have had the XA25 and Xp12 preamp on loan driving new Dynaudio C-1 Platinums fort a couple weeks. The speakers are not broke in yet but I think the amp is awesome. These speakers would probably like a little more juice but I could easily live with the sound.  I hooked them up to my Goldener Triton Ones and they worked perfectly with them.
Stereophile's Herb Reichert's Pass XA-25 review was published online yesterday.
Terry,  I just noticed that you also reviewed the ZOTL40 and really like it.  Both the XA25 & ZOTL40 are similarly priced, which amp do you like better?  With a 15% off the ZOTL products this is quite tempting.
Hey bobheinatz,

I own the ZOTL40 amplifier and its a great sounding amplifier.  However, for my tastes the XA25 does everything better.  Also, I drive the XA25 with the LTA Mico-ZOTL and love this combo.
For folks thinking about either the Pass or LTA amps, you may want to consider the new LTA "Ultralinear" which is poised for release in the next few weeks. I had the pleasure of listening to a pre-production version for several weeks in my system and posted a "review" of my impressions here:


I haven't heard the new Pass XA25 but the new LTA is a remarkable amplifier--by far the best I've ever heard. If you are looking at this price point and power output range I would encourage a serious look at the Ultralinear.
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The Pass isn’t going anywhere but I’m downsizing and need the funds for other things.
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I’ll be using my DirectStream integrated preamp. Not ideal but compromises need to be made and for now I’d rather keep the Pass :)

The preamp is a really good match I feel, everything just opens up and gets some body behind it. For any other Pass owners, the Dialogue preamp has great synergy.
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I have a Pass XA-25 hooked to my Tekton Studio Monitors. It replaced a Triode Labs 2a3 amp that I had been using since I got the speakers. As good as the Triode Labs is, the XA-25 beats it handily. Explosive dynamics, wonderous speed and transparency, yet smooth grain-free midrange. Very natural sounding. It's a solid-state amp for tube lovers.
thanks for your feedback.  It seems everyone who has heard the XA25 loves it.
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I'm in Tampa, and would be interested in selling the Triode Labs 2a3 amp. I have the matching Triode Labs preamp, as well. Just let me know.
After 25 watt in class A, does It switch in a/b??
How much is its Power in class a/b??