Who has used a PMR?

Do these add quality value as a tweak? Thanks in advance for your input.
I used two to them for greater than one year and feel they are a very valuable addition. I got one at first and used them in the center between my speakers. I was so impressed that I got a second one and placed it behind my listening chair on a bookshelf about three feet behind and above my listening chair. I think of them a resonance control devices that augment bass traps and other resonance control devices.
When I first used one of them I along with some of my listening group kept taking it in and out of the system. Soon all agreed the system sound better with it in. Now, I don't think the system would sound as good without them. To me, they help focus the sound and add a more full-bodied presentation. Hope this helps.

Tp.. Thanks for your input. Why even bother.

Rn..thank you very much for a well thought out response. Testimonials good/bad are beneficial.
I prefer the JDwfmr over the PMR. It is three times the price but well worth the difference.
Even a KBW Ultra is a better choice than a PMR.
Although I do not like the BBD or the MXPT Systems design.
Dear Elizabeth, I am unfamiliar with JDwfmr and the KBW Ultra. What are these devices and how are they better? Thanks
Rnwong...Liz is pulling your leg...and mocking all who use the PMR or for that matter, any acoustical resonance device.

The only thing you need to know about the PMR is that its simulates the very real positive effects that tuned resonances can have on an acoustical space. Take for example the world famous Vienna Musikverein where you will notice,upon close inspection,large hollow brass figures all along the walls.

Hmmmm..makes one wonder why its considered one of the most perfect acoustical spaces in the world!