Who is using passive preamps and why?

Seldom has there been any discussions on passive preamps in the forums and although my experience with them has been limited I have found them so far to be very enjoyable and refreshingly different. They seem to fall into their own category, somewhere between solid state and tube. Finding a preamp that is satisfing has been difficult. Some active solid state preamps can be very good but they seem to inject grain to some degree in the upper registers and some tube preamps are not too far behind. So far I think they should at least be matched up with an amp that has sufficient gain which is often overlooked. Which passives are you using and with what amp? Why do you like them?

Showing 9 responses by tvad

Clio09, send me an email if you're interested and we can work out a time for you to hear it at my place. I'm five minutes from the Burbank airport.
I prefer the sound of an active preamp because it sounds like music.

Rrog (Answers)

Clearly, those who are successfully enjoying systems with passive preamps also believe their systems sound like music. The tone of your statement suggests everyone who believes this is wrong. Is this what you intended to convey?
Phd, I have paired the VRE-1 with Pass Labs XA-60.5 with excellent results. The Lotus Group room at CES that received rave reviews pairing the VRE-1 with Pass Labs XA-30.5 amps. I can say the VRE-1/Pass Labs XA-.5 match is optimal, IMO.

Presently, I have the VRE-1 paired with George Wright Signature AU-15 tube amps. Both the Pass XA-60.5 and AU-15 amps have low input sensitivity specifications (1.1 mV and 1 mV respectively). I'm wondering if this is relevant to the good matches..?
Both the Pass XA-60.5 and AU-15 amps have low input sensitivity specifications (1.1 mV and 1 mV respectively).
Tvad (Threads | Answers)
This was an error. The specs should be 1.1V and 1V respectively.
Rrog, a passive does require some more attention to matching, as you wrote, and had been mentioned previously.

In my system, the VRE-1 preamp conveys a transparency that no active preamp I have owned has been able to do. For me, that transparency is worth the extra attention to matching.
FWIW,I use 30 foot XLR interconnects with no apparent roll-off that I can hear compared to what I have heard with an active preamplifier. Cables are Oyaide PA-02.