Why do dealers do this?

I'm an old fashioned guy. I like to make my audio purchases from a store and have a person I deal with, establish a relationship, and know that I have someone I can call when I need things. That is why I went into one of the larger stores in my area the other day, ready to audition a couple of things and buy my system. I had a very clear idea of what I wanted, asked to listen to a component with a view to buying it.
The dealer had a completely wrong approach from the start, and it is not a unique situation. I know many good folks in the business are on these forums, so I want to ask why this happens.
From the moment I set foot in the store he created an atmosphere of fairly intense pressure. He started with "you know, I only demo for buying customers". Throughout the visit, I felt continuously pressured to buy on the spot. I was forced to cut my visit short and I was unable to fully appreciate the component I was auditioning. I went from wanting to buy to wanting to run away - who feels comfortable buying something when pressured and rushed to do so right away? So I left the store unsure that I would want to do business with him. Had I had a good experience, and a knowledge that I can go to the store any time and have a good experience rather than have to find a way to "escape" the pressure I would not only have been happy to buy what I wanted, but would have been back often for other purchases. I cannot for the life of me understand where this comes from. One argument I heard is that store owners don't want to have people audition things and then buy online. Well, first off short of refusing to have a show room I don't see how you can make completely sure of that. So, wouldn't making the customer feel comfortable in your store be a better strategy? For me, I now want to shop online rather than go back. And here is one more twist. All online dealers for the product I was looking at make it clear they will not sell to anyone who has a dealer in their area. So I could not buy that online anyway!!
Can anyone enlighten me? Why can I not go to a local store and have that be a pleasant experience any more?
Because many dealers' sales people don't know how to sell. They are selling a transaction instead of finding out what your needs are and listening to you. Tranactional vs. consultative selling.

I've been a corporate sales officer and have taught many teams how to sell on a consultative basis. As the other poster said, it means repeat business due the the value added for the buyer when a dealer can approach you and your needs from your perspective.

Unfortunately, most dealers don't understand this themselves and therfore don't know how to hire and/or train their salespeople.

If you can, find another dealer in the area and explain the type of experience and assistance you are looking for and make clear that selling pressure is the quickest way to have you head for the exit door.

On the reverse side though, many dealers don't invest in this type of personnel as when they do, some customers will pick their brains, demo their equipment at home then buy at the cheapest place in the area or used on-line.
I don't understand why a dealer would have such an attitude but I've come to the understanding that it is a waste of time to try to enlighten one. Just walk away and enjoy the amusement of the show of ignorance.
I've had the opposite experience in Denver. With almost no exceptions I've created relationships with people who are very knowledgeable, patient, and truly care. Maybe you should call the store owner (assuming it's not a big store) and talk to him/her. You might create a relationship with someone that will enhance your future experiences. After all if we all just buy things online, we may not like the world we create.
you just went to the wrong place....it is possible to have the dealer experience you'd like to have.
I enjoyed reading all the above experiences, especially those regarding car buying. I sold cars for 19 years and always found it amusing how much money I made off the ignorance and over-all lack of selling skills of other car salesman. Customers just want to be treated fairly, not lied to, and want to walk away from the buying experience with the feeling that we both benefited from the transaction. I actually had customers who did not buy a car from me refer their friends and family to me. It's disappointing to see those who have no customer skills in the wrong occupation.