Why do no audio enthusiasts use McIntosh?

With the exception of some of there tube gear, not many really use this stuff(or admit to it anyway), I am mainly referring to there amps. They look pleasant, they look good on paper and have the price of high end gear, but I seldom hear anyone claiming to like or one day dreaming of owning McIntosh. I have never really listened to there stuff, no good word of mouth sort of scares me away from it, the only people who like it are those who sell it, an uncanny coincidence? I don’t know. Sorry it this has been covered many times in the past, I ran a search and could not find anything.

Showing 8 responses by jc51373

"10-16-06: Pawlowski6132
Anyone ever see a reputable speaker manufacturer or other high end manufacturer using McIntosh in their demo rooms at any of the shows??? Me neither.

Why do you think that is??"

Because it is second rate?
Dev, you need to READ before you pass judgment...I was quoting someone further up in the thread..And mine was a question. You know what quotes around a phrase mean right?
Trying to make a McIntosh analogous to a Mercedes is actually an excellent way to describe what I think of McIntosh, if you need to know. It's an over-priced status symbol, ruined by a conglomerate. I have now heard the McIntosh in three separate systems, including my own, and in all of them I got the same feeling from it.

I am entitled to my opinion of Mac, and you can flame all you want..I personally would care less if someone didn't like a Krell amp, or a piece I owned. If it works for you, all the power to you, I just think it is not the best value. I do however think it is a little comical how people who own Mac get so defensive of the stuff.
Hey guys, listen...Lets not get huffy, my opinions (albeit over the internet and not communicated completely) are not intended to try and upset anyone...They were formed through listening, and therefore I consider them fact-based opnions, first-hand opinions.

To me comparing these amps to a Ferrari is even more inaccurate. Ferrari's are nice don't get me wrong, but they are mainly eye-candy, unreliable, high-maintenance, not mass produced, and very expensive. I have also driven in them, and find them to be incredibly impractical too. Not to mention, Mac Amps, are practical, and are admittedly slower amps. I might compare Shindo, Goldmund, or Nagra to a Ferrari if I were going to make that analogy.

I do however like the Cadillac analogy much better than the Mercedes or Ferrari. I have listened, and I gave it a fair shake in different systems, and each time it was the same for me, unemotional, uninvolving, dry, etched. Doesn't mean that some may not prefer this sound, to each his own. I think it is important either way to be able to voice your opinion intelligently, and constructively, for the benefit of those searching these forums to evaluate. This is not bashing, and if you feel it is, so be it.

I personally love buying equipment, if possible, from smaller independently owned manufacturers. They are usually more passionate about what they do, which typically results in a better product. Although Levinson might be the exception, their stuff sounds great, but service has suffered since HSG took the helm. MnIntosh is owned by who? Denon? Marantz? I would however have less of a problem with that if the stuff sounded as good as Krell or ML, but it doesn't and too often it is compared to it, which is not accurate. Collectively, these things are to be considered when looking at McIntosh.
Alaric, I like your description "blue eye"..Funny stuff.

It's true though, opinions are all unique, or you know what they say, they are like a-holes, we all have em and they stink!

Anyway, not meaning to brand bash, just state my experience, if it came across as brand bashing my bad. Who knows, I could get this FPB in my room and think it sound terrible. Doubtful, but possible, and I would be honest either way, Krell or not. If it doesn't sound good, I don't see the spending the kind of money we spend on this stuff, cause in the end albeit cliche, it is TRULY all about the emotion of music, not just the delivery of it.
Jamnesta, awesome point, and it would be incredibly useful here if we could organize a Sound debate.

Bossjay, did you just say Bose sounds good? I need you to explain to me why then the $300 set of computer speakers I bought two months ago are now blown. Bose is incredibly engineered sound, and it is NOT good. Some may in fact like it, and think it is believable, and in certain applications it is sufficient, but it does not really sound good....To me anyway.

I am by no means a snob, but I am a purist, and to me out of all the amps I have listened to thus far, Krell hits all the marks I look for. For others Mac might do that, and (although painful for me to say) Bose may too.
Happy consumers can be a simple general way to also refer to a happy audio enthusiast. To me they are very different, so I am not sure what point of the question is.. But to get more granular, an audio enthusiast is different because it is usually person who loves music first, and is passionate about equipment second. What that hifi equipment is can be a completely different discussion altogether. Hi-Fi is really it's own very obscure category..I have lots of friends who think the pursuit of hi end audio is silly, and I can understand why they think that, they would be categorized as a satisfied consumer. On the other hand, I can't fathom listening to music any other way than through hi end equipment; Bose, and Marantz and Denon, and Sony, etc to me are not hi-fi, they live in a completely different category, where happy/satisfied consumers live as well.

Audio enthusiast is someone who cares about detail in sound, and details build quality of equipment-and the fun associated with it..To me hi end audio is a small shop operation, not operated by a conglomerate in an effort to stay viable, often times hifi manufacturers are just a few equally passionate people who have the ability and have chosen to make hi end audio equipment (thank you for them!). Because they too love music like most of us here on the forums, and these are the people that understand that things CAN be better than commercial, mass market equipment.

I mean does the guy who owns Bose equipment know why a Black Gate Capacitor is better than what they use in Bose? Or how important circuit board design and layout is? Or Power supply-doubtfully. That doesn't mean he is stupid, just not interested. Does a guy who owns Sony CD player know that DAC inside is what makes a CD sound better or worse-doubtfully....I will say one thing, the guy listening to the commercial mass market equipment has one major advantage usually, not overpaying for this stuff they way we ALL do, and they still get the benefit of hearing music. Without the magic of course. : )