I have seen many people share what they have and what they have heard on audiogon and there are always a few people that come on with negative comments about the person bragging or,the put down the higher end gear that one is speaking about.  Why do you think that happens?
If you hate it all so much, why not just drop the subject and move on to other things...but you won't of course.
I have been reading Stereo Review and Audio magizines since i was a teenager.I have alway been into this hobby.I buy what I can afford .Years ago it was easier to buy top shevel .But with prices in the 100,000 -500,000 thats impossible for me.Is it worth it I really dont know .Would I buy it if I won power ball ,lol ,I dont think so even then.We are human beings we can be jealious and also friendly.I went to one guys house who had like a 300,000 system .Crazy ass stuff .i bought a pair of old speakers from him...for like 1,800 i thought i got a good deal .They were used for his kids play room LOL. You come on this site and you can make a comments on stuff or not its your choice .
If you won the lottery, you would likely have an issue that most lottery winners (who weren't wealthy already) have...you stop enjoying the simple things like active "present" enjoyment of an audio system...you immediately are deluged with requests for money or offers to handle it for you, friends and family treat you utterly differently, and you're obsessed with the minutia of dealing with a sudden total life change. You could by ultra expensive gear, but you wouldn't enjoy it much. 
I'm all for sharing experiences and knowledge of all things audio online. In fact, forums like this are probably the best way to get impartial knowledge as we know what magazines are all about. Sure there are plenty of attempts to promote dubious products here, but then there are plenty of people prepared to reason against them. We all know who we are.
The great thing about Audio is that for those who are in it for only sound quality something approaching state of the art / high-end is within financial reach of most of us.


If, like many audio enthusiasts, you can accept that digital sources, amplifiers, cables all possess distortion levels below the threshold of hearing you can simply focus your attention and funds upon your loudspeakers where they should bring greater sonic reward. Unless of course you prefer headphone listening, but even then you needn't spend the earth to get excellent results as many owners will testify.

The other exception is turntables, where even at $1000 you are still some distance off the state of the art. $2000 will get you close, very close.

For those who want to, and can spend more, its purely a consumer choice and nothing to do with greater sound quality. The analogy with cars is a loose one, because there you can measure noise levels, comfort, BHP, torque, handling, acceleration, and a zillion other things. And let's also not forget status and what your  vehicle says about you.

For that very reason I'd think very carefully before deciding to buy a BMW.

World leaders in underwear? Buck naked is my demand. Naturally everyone in the audience is fully clothed AND wearing a red clown nose.. LOL
I call Human Nature as the root cause.
I am a totally humble soul, even though I know I AM better than all of you. And I offer my genius for you to marvel at. NO need to offer gifts. My brilliance is gift enough. Yes my system is the work of Genius. Please do not try to copy it. That would only make you smaller than you already are now. When I comment on your system, consider them the comments an adult makes about the playthings of a toddler.
Any questions?
You may bow to my stunning brilliance if I leave you speechless.