Why is it so much more civil over here on Agon?

A member on another forum site asked an honest question, check out his question and some of the responses. Is it because of the moderators here on Audiogon, or is it because the members here would not put up with it?
Was I justified in giving my response? I have no idea what the follow up response will be.


Showing 2 responses by eldartford

Knowledge is stored in three formats.

1... Genetic...For example: A bird knows exactly how to build it's species nest, without ever seeing one. It is hard coded in the brain.

2... Remembered from the animal's life experience. For example: Bears know when the salmon are running, and they teach their young.

3... Externally stored. Only humans do this. Books, discs, even Audiogon.

External storage, which you discount, is a powerful advantage because it means that each individual does not have to start from zero, and can build upon what prior generations knew, and recorded for posterity. Just think for one moment of all the things you know. Could you have ever figured it all out from your personal life experience?