Wireworld Eclipse 7

Has anyone had experince with the Wireworld Eclipes series 7 speaker cable? I am thinking of trying them out. I read a good review in the Absolute Sound but would like to hear from someone who has tried them out. Has anyone used them and have an opinion?

Showing 2 responses by barto

I own the Eclipses at the moment and am fairly satisfied with them. Owned a few higher priced cables previously. Would describe them as very open and transparent. Seem to bring out much detail but never in a way that impares smoothness, which is very pleasing with this one. The lows are powerful and with good impact, perhaps a little less pronounced than some other brands (may sound contradictionary).
The extremes, in particular the highs are certainly not rolled of. Would not advice them for a system without a balanced sound. They also sound pretty fast.
Hopefully this helps.
Yes, I use the Eclipse 7. Although I minimized the bass problem by going from the Eclipse interconnects to the Silver Eclipses the issue is still there in some degree. Can make the sound a little incoherent at times. In a way that the highs overpower the rest in terms of energy and pronunciation.
Am now experimenting with speaker placement a lot, and bought some Wireworld power cables to see if I can find the right combination.
Am getting closer, would sure like to keep the strengths of these cables in a musically satisfying setup!