WireWorld Equinox Balanced?

As a kicker on an eBay deal the seller threw in these WireWorld cables. They are very black with black Beltron/UK Made gold plated XLR's. The sheath is marked "WireWorld Equinox Balanced Interconnect (QBI) Made in USA. U.S. Patent No. #5,298,682". Can anyone tell me anything of their vintage, original list price or where they stood in the Wireworld line? An e-mail to Wireworld produced no response. Thanks in advance to the WireWorld experts.

Showing 1 response by sharpe49

Wireworld Equinox are the "entry" level interconnects for the top level cables in the Wireworld line up. They are one of the best cost vs. performance cables around . See UHF website;click on Audiophile page and check out the newest version of these and what they say about them. You got a very good "kicker".