you've got $25,000.00

Ok, here's the deal...i have researched until my eyes hurt, ears swelled and brain has fried :)
I listen to classical, jazz, rock and indie music.I love, musicality, whole note duration and music portrayed as a "whole cloth' with no exaggerated ANYTHING!
Clean, clear, musical pieces that get out of the way!
So...Pick a turntable, cartridge, tonearm etc. with this budget and background and help an old guy out :)

Showing 1 response by rlawry

Like Popluhv above, if I had $25K, which unfortunately I don't, I would get one of the SME turntables, the Graham Phantom arm, and a Lyra cartridge of some sort. I now have the SME 20/2 ($11K), Phantom ($4.5K), and Audioquest cartridge, an older Scan-Tech design like the Lyras. I don't think the SME 30 is in your price range, but the new 20/12 might be. Good luck in your hunt.