Zu Soul Superfly

I just ordered a pair of the new Zu speakers on a whim. I was going to wait for information, but the fact that they threw in the free superfly upgrades to the first 30 people got me.

From a similar thread it sounds like some of you guys have heard the speaker despite information only being released today. I'm wondering what you can share about it?

Also, I am really hoping it works with a Firstwatt F1 amplifier. Can anyone comment as to that? I know the Druid's and Essences worked OK.

Showing 11 responses by roscoeiii

Back to the original post, I DON NOT thikng that the FirstWatt F1 will work on these. Unless this is a crossover-less design or will employ an active crossover with biamping.

Check out the F1 review on 6moons or the details on the First Watt site. A current source amplifier (F1 or F2 being the only ones in existance that I know of) does not play well with the crossovers present in 90%+ of all speakers.

I see that the Dynaco and the F1J are both up for sale. What did you end up settling on for your Superflys?
An S-30 here really caught my attention too. Incredible amps. And always nice to see Ralph from Atamasphere on these boards. Had the pleasure of meeting him in the Twin Cities. I hope to have an S-30 someday.

As you well know, I follow your Pass/FirstWatt experiences closely. Can you say more about the differences the Alephs are making? And which model are they a clone of? Any things that the F1 & F1J had that are missing with the Alephs?
Thanks for the detailed reply. And how would you compare the Alephs to the F1 or F1J you had in your system. I have had an F1 in my system so would be interested in that comparison. Slowly making my way around the First Watt stuff myself. And your comment put Aleph on my radar in a big way.

Can you compare the 845s sound to the sound of the Alephs and F1 or F1J that you have also paired with the Superflys?
Hey Fred,

Yes, I am running some Sylvanias in back and Tung-sols up front at present in my S-30.

Still adjusting to the Soul Superfly's sound in my system. A bit on the forward side at present, would be my main concern. My speakers were floor samples, so not sure how broken in they were. But will see how they change (or I adjust) over time.

I will also be playing around different DACs and some RCA tubes to see how they might affect things.
Glory, I would look at the Wyred4Sound or Eastern Electric DACs. Gopher had the Eastern DAC an S30 and the Superflys in his system, but not sure if he ran the DAC straight to the Atma.
Wow. Just began an audition of the Superflys with my Atmasphere S-30 (thanks again Gopher!). Wow. I had heard the combo in Gopher's system when I bought the S-30s off of him, but damn to hear these speakers in my own system and room with equipment I am intimately familiar with is another thing. What a great pairing. Damn...

More detailed impressions to come. But for now, just "Damn." As in "Damn good."
I have an Atmasphere S30 Mk II (with jumpers to reduce the gain), a Musical Fidelity kW preamp and a Weiss DAC2(=Minerva). Think I will try out some different DACs soon: Tranquility, Rega and maybe the Hegel HD2. If I keep these, selling the Weiss will help offset the cost of the Superflys...
Will certainly let you know. Should be able to compare the Tranq sometime early next week.