Has anyone had success converting friends?

As many times as I invite friends over to listen to my stereo and explain to them the virtues of a great system, none of them ever catch the bug. All of them are extremely passionate about music and are intrigued by my set-up, none of them ever go out and buy good stuff. This is frustrating. I see them spend money on a bunch of other things, but never good audio. I have been unsuccessful at converting one single person to the audiophile bug.
Take a non-audiophile friend who passionately loves some piece of music in to listen to your killer rig and play it for them. If the soundstage is just right, there is a moment where you will both know that they 'got it'. What happens after that is so disappointing: they might say "yeah that was great. so what". And then they go home to hear it again on their crappy Japanese reciever as if nothing ever happened. So frustrating.
After seeing and meeting some in our circles I have to ask "Audiophiles have friends?"
One nad a half. He bought a Rega P3 TT, Krell '300 intergrated and used Vandy 3's. His ex-girlfriend bought some Soliliquy 6.3's and a quality receiver.
Everyone I know loves music. Three more play guitar and
drums, and pretty damn well. And not a single one is into
equipment like we are here. The closest one would be my brother-in-law (guitar, piano, bass) that would have a
hi-end component, and that's an old pair of Design Acoustic
speakers, with which he is completely happy.
Everyone I know loves my equipment, but at the end, they think I'm nuts as to the extent I have gone just to listen to music.