Has anyone had success converting friends?

As many times as I invite friends over to listen to my stereo and explain to them the virtues of a great system, none of them ever catch the bug. All of them are extremely passionate about music and are intrigued by my set-up, none of them ever go out and buy good stuff. This is frustrating. I see them spend money on a bunch of other things, but never good audio. I have been unsuccessful at converting one single person to the audiophile bug.
I've helped several friends put together very nice systems after they became interested because of listening to my system. The difference between them and me, though, is that after they got their very nice system, they had absolutely no interest in changing it. They love the sound and they love the music but they think the idea of constantly upgrading is nuts. I agree with them, I just can't help it.
I'm able to snare one every 10-12 years or so...not that they don't go down kicking.

Most people I know are not very interested in music and don't know much about music. When they see my system they barely have a clue and don't even know how to ask questions. They think it's strange to sit there and just listen to music - they will say something like, "Well, I just can't sit and do nothing, I need to be moving around constantly doing something." They can barely sit through for one song. The few that do enjoy don't think my system is necessary, although they realize it sounds better then anything they've ever heard... "For that money I would of gotten a Harley or a boat, or even a Vette." To each their own.