great musician's audio systems

A Naim dealer recently told me that Charlie Haden (bassist for Ornette Coleman in early 60's) had an all Naim rig with a Linn TT. I know for sure that Keith Richards and Ron Carter both own Tetra speakers (the manufacturer lets that be easily known). I have been curious if any of my fellow audiophiles might know what the audio systems of other great musicians were like. And if anyone knows of past musican's rigs (Pablo Casals, Jimi Hendrix, whatever) this should be a very interesting discussion indeed.
It would under most circumstances, but I really really like Ron Carter. I guess that's the desired effect! By the way, I bought my Tetras way before I ever saw their site and knew of these endorsements. Knowing this now actually makes me question the marketing angle, because they really use very few dealers. But I love my 205's!
Very interesting thread. Remember though, a lot of musicians put out really bad sounding LPs/CDs!! Makes one wonder if they ever hear the music on a stereo at all!
If anyone knows what kind of system Jordi Savall has please tell me.

Albert Porter?
07-22-08: Mechans said:
"Musicians don't need fancy equipment, though there are many stories like Patty labelle and VR9s et al. The reason they need little in terms of fancy stuff is that musicians hear a piece of music in their head and the recording is just a cue."

This is often very true of musicians, IME; however, I know a number of musicians that get heavily into high-end audio. I played in a number of regional symphonies and "hooked" more than one unsuspecting musician that thought it was impossible to reproduce symphonic sound. They'd given up and just didn't think it was worth the effort to try.

Back when I had less expensive equipment, I had a handful of musicians go out and replicate my system.

Still, your right, many others could care less. They wanted to know if it was a great performance and had no concern for the sound quality.

Hans Zimmer and Sting use Quested
Mark Knopfler, Pink Floyd, Tom Petty, Lenny Kravitz, Rolling Stones and many others use ATC
Brian May uses (endorses), Herbie Hancock, James Newton Howard, Peter Gabriel, Robbie Williams and many others use PMC
Natalie Cole, Julian lenon, Micahel Jackson, Daniel Lanois and many others uses Westlake