Company or Solitude?

I was thrilled weeks ago to have my girlfriend, for the first time, sit and listen with me to my system.
She truly enjoyed it and now prompts me to fire it up so we can sit and get lost together.
We have a great time and I love having her there, but I find I don't get truly involved in the "music" unless I'm alone.
Fortunatly I have the best of both worlds.

So how about you?
With or without company, is it better, worse or just different?
Much better with company.

I love people and I love music. That's probably why I could never tolerate headphones. The only time headphones are appealing is to get away from jet engine noise (or similar situation).

Seriously, my Tuesday night sessions with my group leaves most of us laughing out loud by the end of the night. Sure, I have good sound, but the friendship and software is what drives the event.

Do any of you have memories of a VERY special song? Could that memory be associated with a girl you loved?

Last, does that memory linger because the stereo in the car was perfect, or was it the act of sharing :^)?
company and solitude can make for an enjoyable experience.

as a rule i do not go out of my way to demonstrate my stereo system, unless someone makes a request.

the quest to realize my sonic objectives is more important than listening to the result, once it has been achieved.
i am just as happy listening to the radio or my $300 personal stereo as i am listening to an expensive stereo system, since i realize that both do not compare to live music.
Solitude for me! Just don't understand how many people just don't get music...Maybe I am nuts...........