Company or Solitude?

I was thrilled weeks ago to have my girlfriend, for the first time, sit and listen with me to my system.
She truly enjoyed it and now prompts me to fire it up so we can sit and get lost together.
We have a great time and I love having her there, but I find I don't get truly involved in the "music" unless I'm alone.
Fortunatly I have the best of both worlds.

So how about you?
With or without company, is it better, worse or just different?
Solitude, without question. My wife refers to me as an Old Poop, as I get annoyed when my time alone in my Man Cave gets interupted by the phone ringing or my wife wanting to chit-chat. I enjoy my job, work hard and deal with customers & co-workers 50 hours a week... but I look forward to my decompression time in my Man Cave... alone.
A mix of both, its great to share and experience new music or great classics with buds but its also nice to pick exactly what I wantwhen I want it and how ever loud I want to listen. I value each in a different way.

Why does the amp platform have Aurio's on one side and cones on top of bricks?
Dude (as they say), you KNOW it is better to listen alone. Why fight it. You know it and I know it. Let's be real about it. My wife loves to sit and listen too, but come on. It scarcely needs elucidating. It is an obvious fact of audiophilia, IMO. When one concentrates one's mind rests with attention in an undistracted state focused on something. An undistracted state?.....
Company is fine for me when in the company of musicians or fellow audiophiles......unspoken rules chatter while music is playing.

That being said, solitude is the most commonly experienced session. My wife, love her dearly, can almost always ruin a mental journey by talking at the absolute worst times about something completely irrelevant.......therefore she is banned from the room when I go to decompress. ; )